Practical Notes, Spells and Exercises |
Well, I finally decided to put some information about actual practices on my page and I figured I'd better start with the basics. These are practices, exercises, spells or information that I have either practiced myself or figured out myself that are useful to me. I hope you find them interesting and maybe even useful. Enjoy... |
Casting a Sacred Circle, Scarlet's Way - The most basic of magickal practices for many witches... this is just my way of getting it done... |
Self-Dedication - This is a breif description of how I came to find my path and the method I used for my self-dedication. |
Handfasting - This is a copy of the handfasting ceremony my husband and I designed for our wedding. |
Fasting - Some information and research on religious fasting and some tips on how to create a meaningful fasting experiance, including some information on Vision Questing |
Elemental Communion - This is a guided exercise for introducing yourself to and communing with the five elementals |
Ancestor Bood Meditation - This is a guided exercise for connecting with the Ancestors |
Miniature Herbal - A list of eight useful herbs and why I must have them in my collection |
Essential Oils - A list of my 20 favorite oils and their magickal and thereputic uses. |
Some Devotional Material - This is just some information on my beliefs and various things about my practices I've typed up.. |
Back to Main Page Email Scarlet: lilacphilex@yahoo.com |